πŸ€–How to use PreGPT

Simple steps for obtaining PreGPT subscription

Follow these simple steps to access our AI chat interface

  1. Sign In: Visit chat.presearch.com and click on the "Sign In" button.

  2. Presearch Account: If you're not automatically redirected, sign in to your Presearch account here. If you don't have an account, creating one is easyβ€”just follow the prompts.

  3. Acquire PRE Tokens: To use PreGPT, you need PRE tokens. If you don't have any, learn how to purchase them with our comprehensive guide here. Then, request your deposit address here to add tokens to your wallet when logged in.

  4. Subscribe to PreGPT: With PRE tokens in your account you can subscribe to PreGPT via the left menu on the wallet page β€œPreGPT Subscritpion” in the portal or by clicking the mascot icon next to your wallet at the top right corner of presearch.com.

  5. Choose Your Plan: Click "Subscribe" and you'll be directed to our subscription page on our portal. Here, select the "Standard Plan," confirm your choice, and $3 worth of tokens will be deducted from your wallet. Note, this subscription is monthly.

  6. Access PreGPT: After subscribing, you can access PreGPT directly from the portal page link or by navigating to chat.presearch.com. If necessary, refresh the page to start using PreGPT.

  7. Subscription Confirmation: You'll receive an email confirmation upon subscription or cancellation, keeping you updated on your account status.

Enjoy exploring the capabilities of PreGPT! For any assistance or further information, please contact our support team at info@presearch.com

Stay tuned for the Uncensored/Unbiased version, web-based chat (RAG), text to image, gift subscriptions and so much more. See our Roadmap here for more.

Last updated